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Thursday, October 4, 2007

A bad bad bad morning

Tell you what,I'm having a bad bad bad morning.

Can you imagine,when you woke up in a nice morning and as you just stepped in the class,one of your friend blasted you straight to your face without listening to your explain.How does that felt?Especially when it concerns about BLOG and these personal thingy.See the point of explode here -

I didn't have any chance to explain or tell the true thing by then,what she knew was just kept on blasting on my face.Besides feeling hurt,dissapinted and sad,I'm really Tulan as well.

Anyway,at last I did made my explanation to her.But,seemed that the person concerned was not very happy with my answer and explanation.But at least,I did my role and what I can do to explain.I tried my best to explained and convince her what was going on.

I started my blog here at blogspot no long ago,so the entry is still not much,but someone eventually are too senstive and misunderstand my blog and my meaning.Actually its a really simple blog that stated out my feelings and my thoughts on some foods,and also happenings around the food.Too bad,the whole thing was somehow "twisted",and caused misunderstandings or even hatred,I guess. But I really don't have the intention to attack or hurt someone.

I'm a straight person.What I wrote in my blog is my real feelings and what had happened.I don't hide some hidden agenda or hidden meaning behind,and no "hint here hint there" as well.If I don't like something,I'll just speak it out,no point to make it till so complicated.

My blog is just like my another face,it only speaks the true thing.I speak and do something like a man,and I'll do what is only right,true and be responsible.If you'd say I like to "shoot" someone purposely without reason or make story,sorry mates,I wouldn't do that to my friend.

Thats why,I doubted someone are fanning the flames at the back.I don't know who,but I just can feel it.

Because of this matter,I got some advice from my blogger friends.And I can make a conclusion that,to be a blogger is to reflect the happenings or things that happen around you.If your intention is on the good side,but others just misinterprete and misunderstand it,you shall make an explaination.That was what I did this morning.

We,bloggers are meant to be responsible to what they wrote and statement,so if a blogger had already do what they should,its up to the blog viewers.I admit everyone has different minds or thoughts,sometime what you thought might not be the same as mine,so thus vice versa.I cannot please everyone,what I can do is to please the majority,and do the best part of my job.

If all the blog viewers are so sensitive and petty,I guess prominent bloggers like JeffOoi( and Kennysia( should be long buried by people.

Just like my blog tittle "Reflections",I'm sure more and more things will be reflected in the coming years.

*Special Notice:No offence to anyone.Its totally my own thoughts and feelings.Please be informed.


JYSim said...

I'm sure Kee Wai means no harm. Don't take it too personally eh.

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