Okay,this is how it happened.I was searching parking in somewhere to go to the bank,and there is a truck,not the big one,but something like the truck that transport ice cube.This truck was parking illegally at the road side and caused the road become even more narrow,although it had been quite narrow before this.
I admit I was careless and made a mistake for taking a good look at the other side of my car.And while I was still busy looking for carpark,suddenly,"Bang",I saw the truck's right side was sticking at my car's left side,and crushed my side mirror.For god's sake,I was suddenly shocked and get my foot on the paddle and vroom away.Well,this caused my car to get a second hit and the back.
Soon after that,my car's back door at the left side were collided till it was opened,I went down trying to shut the door up.But at the same time,the Indian truck driver was there to inspect his truck.He yelled at me,"Truck saya OK,ini lu mia pasal ar!",and off he goes in his white truck,leaving me there still trying to shut my car door.
Okay,I even missed out the truck's plate number!Which nearly caused me being fined when I went to report to the police...
But the first thing that crossed my mind after settle the police report thingy and insurance claiming stuff,it's not to get a rest or take a break,but to buy 4D =)
Still too bad,it's not my day afterall,my numbers (which I bought my car registeration number and the date) didnt strike.Sigh
And below,is the "scars" on my beloved car...
It hurts.
...really hurts...
...terribly hurt...
Very very hurt...
It's just not my day...
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